Soulful Earth Herbals began from a journey of walking with plants, a passion for learning how to create personal products, and making simple herbal medicines without the use of chemicals or other potentially harmful ingredients. Soulful Earth Herbals is a connection between nature and the ability to listen to our body, then respond.
My intimate connection with and understanding of Mother Earth began in my early 20’s. I also started using homeopathic remedies and alternative therapies to conventional medicines. Then in 1999 I grew a small herb garden that sparked a desire to learn more about the properties and uses of each plant. This expanded into an interest of making medicine and topical ointments to replace the commercial products I was currently using. The first lip balm I made was not real great, but it encouraged me to do better and keep working on a better formulation. I kept reading books, trying new recipes, and crushing up new herbs. When I ventured into making soaps and lotions, I was again disappointed with what I had made, but I learned from my mistakes, and kept making a better and better product.
Early on I became a label reader and educated myself on the ingredients found in common personal care products (the ones you can’t pronounce). I seemed to have a feel for breaking a product down and figuring out how to make it safe, but still effective. I loved to share the products I made and information I learned with friends and family. It became a joke because I was always saying, “Don’t buy that, I can make it!”
Eventually I started sharing my herbal diaper rash ointment with the natural birthing community through the Birth Center where I gave birth to my youngest son. Many people commented on how well the ointment worked for them so I began selling what would become known as ‘Bohdi Balm’ to more families in the natural birthing community. With this success, Soulful Earth Herbals was a bud ready to open in the spring of 2005.
After strong encouragement from friends and huge support from family, in April of 2005 I found a space at the local year-round Lansing City Market and began to share Soulful Earth Herbals with the public. Guests started buying my products and I received a constant flow of praise. I was helping people heal and move away from commercial chemicals. Soulful Earth Herbals became real. I now sell at local Farmers Markets and have a permanent store front in historic REO Town in Lansing, Michigan.
I formulate all Soulful Earth products and research all the raw materials I use to craft my products, trying to choose as many organic, sustainable, and wild-crafted ingredients as I can. Much of my time is still spent experimenting with different ways to create new formulations. All Soulful Earth infusions are made with organic (and preferably wildcrafted) herbs. Just to be safe – No parabens or petrochemicals will be found in any Soulful Earth product!
This has been an amazing journey and I continue to find many wonders on my path. I learn more each day about our resources and how to use them in a peaceful way for ourselves and the Earth we all share. I am forever grateful to all the people who have supported my journey and for the knowledge I have gained from those who have used Soulful Earth products. I look forward to continue learning and growing with all of you.